Enough is enough.
As a research team with an ongoing commitment to greater equity in early education and care for children, families and communities, GEEC stands in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter in fighting for justice against police brutality, systemic racism and racial inequity.
We remain dedicated to fighting discrimination and racism of all forms, with a focus on the experiences of children and families in racialized groups, including members of Black and Indigenous communities, and those who live in marginalized communities.
We will continue to engage in dialogue, stand in solidarity with and learn from members of the Black community and share the voices of community through community engaged research with a focus on advocacy, practice and policy change.
Image citations: Image #1 - TOP LEFT - Blue and black wordcloud in the shape of a teardrop. [Black Lives Matter word cloud]. (n.d.). https://www.123rf.com/photo_93815577_stock-vector-black-lives-matter-word-cloud-on-a-white-background-.html Image #2 - BOTTOM LEFT - Black and white photograph of a man holding up the peace sign in front of police officers. Montgomery, P. (n.d.). Get up, Stand Up [digital]. Wired. https://www.wired.com/2015/10/how-black-lives-matter-uses-social-media-to-fight-the-power/ - Image #3 - TOP RIGHT - Drawing of 3 fists raised high, with #BlackLivesMatter image printed overtop.#BlackLivesMatter [digital]. Building Union Power. https://buildingunionpower.ca Image #4 - MIDDLE RIGHT - Drawing of woman and child sitting on steps; 'Black Lives Matter' printed on the woman's shirt. Wong, P. (2016). Milo’s Museum [Children’s book]. Teaching for Change. https://www.teachingforchange.org/seven-things-learned-black-lives-matter-week Image #5 - BOTTOM RIGHT - Black and white image of protesters, with 'enough is enough' written in capital letters. Enough is Enough [digital]. Black Lives Matter. https://blacklivesmatter.com/social-media-graphics/