Educational Equity Podcast – Episode 1: Indigenous Perspectives on Learning and Unlearning

The first episode of the Educational Equity podcast, titled Indigenous Perspectives on Learning and Unlearning, is now live!

Hosts Stephen Hurley and Dr. Nicholas Ng-A-Fook are joined by young Indigenous knowledge keepers, Kiera Brant-Birioukov, Kyrstin Dumont, Stephanie Sanders, Marissa Magneson, Roxanne Gillis, and Melissa Somer. In this podcast, participants shared their perspectives on equity, informed by their Indigenous worldviews and lived experiences. The discussion was guided by the following questions: 

•What is equity for each of you in terms of your lived experiences and in terms of your current work in relation to settler colonial K-6 public and private schooling systems in Ontario? 

• What are some of the historical and/or ongoing individual, structural, systemic and societal barriers?

• What is some of the professional (un)learning work taking place to support students? 

To listen to the podcast and for more information about each speaker and their work, head to

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